Corroboree Little Atheletics

U6-U8 Teams Challenge

Sunday, 16 February 2025
8:30am - 10:30am

Where: Calwell Little Athletics Club

[Details below are from last years carnival, information will be updated closer to the event]

The kids compete in teams of five and compete in seven events on the day. If you want to compete with someone in particular, email me at when you’ve registered so I can make notes. We put the teams together after the entries have closed. Teams can be boys, girls or mixed but they all compete against each other in the same events.

  • U6 – Commence 8:30am – Finish 11:00am
  • U7 – Commence 8:30am – Finish 11:00am
  • U8 – Commence 8:30am – Finish 11:00am

I know we have a lot of new members in these age groups, but please don’t be scared to join in the fun. No experience necessary!


  • Hurdles Relay – the kids do a hurdles race and run back down the side of the hurdles and tag their team mates – just like a normal relay.
  • Long Jump Challenge – kids do a standing jump for distance and we add up all their distances to get a team score.
  • Throw for Target (Vortex) – kids throw a vortex and aim to get it into some baskets for points, they get points depending on how close they get to the baskets
  • Discus bowling – they roll a discus into a scoring zone for maximum points
  • Throw for distance (Shot) – they throw a soft shot put ball into a scoring zone for points
  • Slalom Run – running in and out of poles, zig zagging and tagging their team mates – a relay.
  • Sprint Combination Run – the final event of each session is a relay where one kid runs 200m and the other four run 100m on the round track. Was a great fun event last year.

How to register is to be determined by our head office and we will let you know when understand the process.

The address for the event is: Chapman Oval – 19 Tauchert St, Chapman ACT 2611

ACT Championships (U9-U17)

Little Athletics Australia Sponsor
